On July 12, 2018 CMS released its CY 2019 PFS and Quality Payment Program (QPP). This blog will summarize elements of the PFS proposed rule.
The PFS proposed rule expands telehealth services, streamlines documentation requirements for E&M codes and services, and reduces the number of quality measures included in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, plus it reduces Part B payments for new, single source separately payable drugs.
Here are a few noted proposed changes:
* Virtual Check In: (HCPC code GVCI1): paying for a non-face to face check in
* Remote Evaluation and Management Pre-Recorded Patient Information (HCPC code GRAS1) CMS proposed this service would be a stand-alone service that could be separately billed if it does not result in an E/M office visit. This should be limited to an established patient.
* Interprofessional Internet Consultation (CPT codes 994X6, 994X0, 99446, 99447, 99448, and 99449). This proposes a separate payment for provider-to-provider consultation service.
The complete update is https://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaReleaseDatabase/Press-releases/2018-Press-releases-items/2018-07-12.html
More updates coming soon.